- Most common comment from course students
Expectancy Wealth Planning
Imagine the financial impact these uncommon skills can have on your future wealth, security, and confidence…
- Smarter investment strategy to reduce risk, increase expectancy, and increase safe withdrawal rates in retirement because of more consistent, reliable returns
- Decreased portfolio volatility with new risk management skills that expand on conventional wisdom and are proven to preserve capital even during the most extreme bear markets
- Leverage strategies that grow returns without increasing risk
- How to apply the Advanced Planning Framework to grow your wealth faster so that it’s not limited by your income or savings
- How to overcome the limited growth potential of a conventional asset allocation portfolio so you can achieve your financial goals faster – particularly if you’re starting late or want financial freedom sooner
- How to optimize your personal resources for greater wealth growth and confidence
- How to optimize your financial resources to achieve financial freedom with greater security
- How to find solutions to any resource limitations that stand between you and success
- How to increase your total lifetime wealth by applying the LifeCycle of Wealth principles to each stage of your financial journey
- How to integrate your financial plan with a fulfilling life so you improve the quality of your life now, not later
- Todd’s coaching and support to implement everything above
- The support and shared resources of a community of advanced, like-minded wealth builders pursuing financial freedom - and retirees who already walked-the-talk and are now living financial freedom

Think about it - just one mistake avoided or one smarter decision could pay back the course entrance fee 10X, 100X, 1000X, or more! Put two (or more) of the above skills and resources to work for you, and there’s almost no way you won’t benefit.
If you’re following a conventional advisor-created plan, your own plan, or no plan at all, then this education is guaranteed to put more money in your pocket than it costs. You’d be crazy to spend all those years and put all that capital at risk without having the advantage of the knowledge in this course.
This isn't just a bunch of tips and tactics. It's a holistic system for building your wealth that gives you deeper knowledge so that you know exactly what to do, when to do it, and how to do it. No more doubt or uncertainty. You can see through all the contradictory advice and half-truths to finally know with confidence how you'll achieve your financial goals.
Let me explain how it works…
The One Decision That Can Make-Or-Break Your Financial Future
You want financial security.
You want a better life for you and your family, right?
But how will you get it?
Surprisingly, there are only 4 paths you can choose from. There are no other options. More importantly, this one decision will determine your financial outcome in life. It’s very important.
The only question remaining is which path will you choose?
The 4 Financial Planning Paths & Their Consequences
The 4 possible financial planning paths are as follows:

That’s it. I don’t know any other alternative, and I’ve asked hundreds of my students and they couldn’t come up with any other alternatives either. I’m guessing you’re in the same boat.
So those are the facts – 4 paths to choose from. You’re going to pick one, either intentionally or by default. And your financial results in life will largely be determined by that decision.
It only makes sense that you’re going to want to choose the path that best serves your interests. Right? So let’s take a minute to look at the four paths to see which one best fits your needs…

The “No Plan” Path
Nobody wants to intentionally run their financial life without a financial plan, but they don’t know what else to do, so they just wing it.
Look all around you at family, friends, and neighbors to find proof of this truth.
You go to college, get a job or build your business, fund your retirement plan, and hope that a magical pot of gold appears at the end of the rainbow some day in the future.
You’ve never really figured out if this life pattern will actually produce the financial results you want. You’re just doing what you thought was the right thing, paying your bills, living responsibly, and hoping it all works out.
This is the path most people end up following.
Before taking Todd’s course, my wealth plan was to ‘make a bunch of money, then invest it.’ I understood asset allocation and diversification, but I felt like I was missing something big.
Todd’s wealth planning course is like being unplugged from ‘The Matrix’ of investing, and that’s saying a lot because I have qualifications as a financial planner.
Your course has been so good that it has crystallized what I want, why I want it, and the steps I need to get there. Now I’m just implementing the strategies.
Thank you for the care you bring to this course. It has been worth many times more than what I paid to join.
It’s the default path, but it’s rarely a conscious choice.
The problem is this approach usually results in financial mediocrity. A few succeed because of lady luck, but the vast majority do poorly because life gets in the way.
You know the drill. As soon as you start getting ahead the car falls apart, or your company gets “reorganized” so that you get “downsized”, or the kids need braces, or a medical (or any other) “emergency” occurs to drain all your funds. There’s always something.

Most people wing it on the “no plan” path and (not surprisingly) the vast majority will never achieve anything close to financial security. The data is unequivocal. They’ll struggle to make ends meet and live their entire lives worrying about money.
That sucks. There are better choices.
The DIY “Trial and Error” Plan
The second path is to learn from the school of hard knocks by figuring it out yourself through trial and error.
I chose this path for my life so I speak from experience here.
I got lucky because I figured out just enough things early enough that it worked out fine for me.
But I was the exception, not the rule, and it was a ridiculous amount of work to figure everything out.

Worse yet, I foolishly left a ton of money on the table following the DIY path because I made countless mistakes that could have easily been avoided. I missed opportunities and made costly errors that are obvious to me now given my 20/20 hindsight resulting from all that experience.
This path can be successful in the long-run, but the opportunity cost is high, and the risk is high.
Sure, if you’re smart and dedicate yourself then eventually you’ll figure out how to make it all work, but at what price? How much time will you waste, and how many mistakes will you make that could have been intelligently avoided with a little specialized education?
That’s why I created this Expectancy Wealth Planning course. Think of it as getting 20/20 hindsight about your financial decisions, in advance! It’s the “rich uncle” you never had who takes you by the hand and mentors you about the contradictory and confusing ways of the financial world so they actually make sense.
This is the course of instruction I wish somebody could have taught me from the beginning because it would have saved me so many costly errors and so much wasted time.
But I didn’t have this choice in my day. There weren’t any college classes teaching smart wealth building strategy, and nobody put together a comprehensive course of instruction like this before.
So I picked the school of hard-knocks because I figured it was far smarter than delegating my financial plan to a professional advisor.
Let me explain why…

The “Professional Advisor” Path
The third path is to delegate your financial plan to an advisor.
This is the second most popular path, right behind having no plan at all.
And there’s a good reason it’s so popular. It makes sense.
After all, financial planning is filled with jargon, complexity, and requires detailed knowledge.
Your life is busy. Money must be earned, meals prepared, the kids need to be driven to soccer practice, and somewhere in between you’re supposed to actually enjoy life.
You wouldn’t self-diagnose a serious illness, and you probably wouldn’t build your own home, so why would you create your own financial plan?
Instead, you hire professionals who specialize in these skills.
You visit the doctor when you’re ill because he has specialized training. In fact, he’s probably forgotten more about health and disease than you’ll ever learn.
Your house was built by multiple contractors, each specialists in their fields. The plumber, electrician, and HVAC contractor worked on hundreds of homes to develop their niche expertise. Only a fool would attempt to do all of those things on their own.
So it stands to reason that financial advice would be the same, right?
WRONG! And here’s why…
Financial advisors are in the business of making money off of your money. Their primary business objective is to grow assets under management (AUM) because the more assets under their control, the more they make. That means they’re in the sales business, not the investment expert business.
They’re compensated to sell you stocks, mutual funds, and other investment products. They get paid management fees and transaction fees regardless of your investment performance. Higher fees and expenses mean more profits for them, but lower returns for you. Their objectives aren’t aligned with yours.
In short, numerous conflicts cause advisors to give you extremely biased financial advice. Worse yet, there are so many shortcomings in the standard plans produced by the general advisory profession that they’re all but useless.
Here are four examples:

Advisor plans ignore “wealth creation”
Think about the insanity of this for a moment. Your goal is to create wealth in your life, but the advisor plan ignores the all-important wealth creation step in the planning process by assuming you already have money to invest (which is why they’re willing to work with you). Remember, they’re in the investment product sales business. They can’t sell you anything if you’re not already making money. So what you actually get is a plan for parking the wealth you earned elsewhere in the products they recommend, not a plan for creating wealth in the first place.

Advisor plans are incomplete
The asset portion of the plan typically includes only the paper assets (stocks, bonds, mutual funds) the advisor can sell you. What about real estate, or the grossly undervalued tax advantages and income acceleration opportunities from business? What about learning how to manage your expenses, and all the other components that should make up a comprehensive wealth strategy? There's more that must be included than the "pros" suggest.

Advisor plans force you to give control to the market
The plan requires no action on your part. It’s completely passive. The only thing you’re supposed to do is give your broker/advisor all the money you earn elsewhere and trust his wise investment allocation abilities that will supposedly make you rich. Just pay his fees and give him money. Your financial future is out of your control because it’s at the whim of the roller coaster financial markets.

And finally, an advisor plan won’t educate you on how to take your decision making skills to the next level
You’ll walk out of the financial planner’s office the same person you were when you walked in, and that won’t improve your ability to make profitable decisions that grow your wealth. That requires active participation.
In short, an advisor created plan is biased, conflicted, and inadequate.
Even going to a fee only financial planner will only reduce the conflicts of interest without solving the fundamental problems. Worse yet, assuming hourly rates ranging from $150-$300 for 10 hours on average, you’re going to pay more for that glossy, cookie-cutter, standardized document filled with pie charts (that you promptly place on a shelf where it can collect dust) than you would for the complete, personalized, fully actionable wealth plan you’ll create in this Expectancy Wealth Planning course.
The problem is there’s a massive chasm between what actually works to produce reliable results and what a financial planner includes in his plan because of the conflicts of interest, profit incentives, and limited scope.
- You need the education to take control over your finances and make wise decisions.
- You need clear, daily action steps so that you’re actively pursuing wealth through the decisions you make every day. The passive approach doesn’t cut it.
- You need alternatives to the paper assets an advisor wants to sell you because each asset class – real estate, business, and conventional paper assets - have unique characteristics that fit different life situations. One size doesn’t fit all.
- In short, you need to know how proven financial science connects to valid investment strategies that fit your unique skills, resources, and goals resulting in actions that will achieve those goals.
The sad truth is nobody – including your financial advisor - is ever going to care more about your money than his own. That means you can delegate authority over your money, but you can never delegate responsibility.
Think about that for a moment because it cuts to the core of why delegating your financial plan to someone else is fundamentally flawed.
You have to know what you’re doing. Nobody can do it for you because you’re literally making hundreds of financial decisions every day, without a financial advisor by your side. Your actions determine your financial future, not your advisor.
You can delegate authority, but you can never delegate responsibility.
The “Proven Blueprint” Plan
That’s why I created this Expectancy Wealth Planning course. It’s a complete solution that’s designed to deliver a smarter, faster, more secure path to achieving your financial goals.
You’ll raise your financial intelligence in this course to the point where you’ll know more about wealth building than most financial planners. Surprisingly, it’s not that hard when you’re taught properly.

Not only that, you’ll also get a like-minded community of wealth builders to mastermind ideas with, office hours support to help with any questions so you’re never stuck, and more than 30 sample wealth plans which serve as a valuable template for your own wealth plan.
This newfound knowledge, and the strategic action plan you’ll produce with it, will result in smarter actions that produce more profitable results.
- It's about strategically integrating all major aspects of your life to methodically and relentlessly cause your financial independence through the hundreds of decisions you make (and actions you take) every day, week, and month of the year. You can't delegate this wealth plan to your advisor because you can't pay someone to live your life for you.
- It includes all asset classes (real estate, business, and paper assets), and isn't just about buying some recommended mutual funds, stocks, or other financial product that your advisor can sell you.
- It integrates your personal life with your financial life into a holistic solution based on your unique skills, resources, and interests, because your personal financial goal is about much more than just money.
- It includes an advanced planning framework built on an entirely different set of principles producing bigger results much faster than conventional financial planning can provide.
It's so refreshing to get clear & concise information on this subject. When I first saw the modules about 'you are your wealth,' I initially thought, "well, of course; how obvious!" But after listening to the module, doing the homework and most importantly listening to the office hours recordings I realized I was being too flippant.
The discussions within the office hours recordings are absolutely invaluable. Listening to other people's questions, comments and concerns along with your responses has really been eye opening in realizing that the 'how' has no relevance unless it's placed in the larger more holistic picture. Bravo on putting together such a great course!
Like everyone else in this course, I wish I had stumbled upon Todd sooner. I've been missing this mentorship my whole life!! Knowing HOW to build wealth has always been elusive to me. I now have the real "Insider's Toolkit".
I like the way you say the honest truth in your lessons but allow people to figure things out, in whatever stage we're at. And the office hours make a big difference in my understanding. I wanted solid wealth-building options that would give me hope beyond traditional paper assets, and now I have them plus I look at my time and resources SO differently.
The longer I take this course, the more I can affirm that this is the best investment in online education I've ever made. Truly valuable!
Todd's course teaches next level stuff that I had to learn the hard way. He has also helped me understand concepts that previous to his course, I only understood on the surface. It's easily the highest value I have gotten from a course.
In fact, getting this wealth plan right is so critically important to achieving your financial goals that it's the first thing I do with every new coaching client. It's the make-or-break starting point that determines whether your financial efforts will be wasted, or rewarded.
This Expectancy Wealth Planning course delivers the knowledge, insights, and strategies that I wish I knew 30 years ago when I was on the “trial and error” path. It can help you avoid huge mistakes that cost you money and delay your goals.
Best of all, it’s a no-brainer decision compared to the other three alternatives you can choose. That’s because the first two paths are wastefully inefficient since they both involve taking action without a clear plan, and the third path is conflicted and incomplete.
Think about it this way–you would never consider building a house without first having an architect design and blueprint the entire structure. You need to know how all the parts fit together and the strategic order to build them in before that first board is cut or nail is driven. Anything less would cause a haphazard result and wasted effort.
Financial independence works the exact same way.

You need a blueprint with step-by-step instructions that carefully engineers your daily actions into a strategic order so everything fits together efficiently. It must be uniquely designed to fit your skills, resources, financial needs, and abilities, or it won’t work.
When designed properly, your plan becomes the bridge between your situation today and your financial dreams for tomorrow. When that plan is real, then your dreams become real. The only thing left to do is complete the actions required. It’s a game changer.
The third alternative, delegating your wealth plan to a financial advisor, doesn’t make sense either because most of what creates wealth can't be sold to you so your advisor has no business model or incentive to help you figure it out or take proper action.
You can't get your advisor to build your wealth for you, and you can't get your advisor to organize and live your life in a way that makes your financial goals a reality.
You must do it yourself.
This is just being realistic. Think about it for a moment.
Sure! Everybody would prefer to delegate this to a "professional" so they can passively become rich, but can you name one important activity in your life – career, kids, relationships, health – where the “proven strategy” doesn’t require active involvement on your part? Of course not! It's never that easy...
So why should something as significant as financial independence be any different?
This is just being realistic. Think about it for a moment.
Seriously, if the passive approach worked then people wouldn’t have the financial worries they have today.
It simply doesn't add up!
Sure, we all wish someone else would handle this for us. We also wish "8 Minute Abs" actually delivered a beach body in 8 minutes and fast food was nutritious. But that's not reality.
The truth is financial freedom is a big goal that has lasting value. Fast and easy solutions may hold emotional appeal, but that's not how you produce reliable results.
The odds of you achieving your financial goals decrease each day you’re without this Expectancy Wealth Planning blueprint. You’re paying the price of time, freedom, and financial stress to live without this knowledge.
Which Path Will You Choose?

So that’s it.
There are only four paths to choose from, and you’re going to take one of the paths, either consciously or by default.
So which path are you going to choose?
I think my course is the obvious choice. That’s why I spent two and half years building it as a labor of love. It’s been vetted, tested, and fully proven by 100’s of students just like you.
But you shouldn’t take my word for it because it’s clear that I have a course to sell. Sure, I think it’s the obvious best choice and no-brainer solution, but I’m obviously biased.
That’s why I’m offering you a sample of the course for FREE so you can personally experience what an excellent investment the course is:

- Take 5 lessons from the course, no cost or obligation.
- You’ll get the actual course experience without paying a dime.
- There are no gimmicks, gotchas, or hooks.
- Each lesson includes video, audio, and PDF transcript instruction, an office hours recording, and supporting resources – exactly as delivered in the course.
- In fact, you’ll be inside the full Expectancy Wealth Planning course so you can see the whole thing. Pretty cool, eh?
- And I’ll even throw in a bonus surprise that you won’t want to miss.
- That means you never risk anything to prove to yourself that this 4th path is the obvious choice for you.
This is not a gimmick, and there’s no catch. The only thing I ask from you is an email address so I can send you the lessons, and you can unsubscribe at any time.
My students consistently tell me this course is worth several times what I’m charging, and it’s one of the best financial decisions they ever made (see the testimonials on this page from actual students).
I kept feeling like I was missing something to the financial independence game so I started searching other sources and feel truly blessed I found this course. Your teachings have filled in all the gaps.
I now understand the relationship of assets and cash flows as well as the roles of the 3 major asset classes, and I absolutely love the Ultimate Retirement Calculator with its ability to help me make life decisions as they come and plan to rely on it from here out.
My anxiety about this stuff has reduced significantly because of this course, which is fabulous and well worth the price of admission!
I thought I only needed investing education. WRONG! This Wealth Plan course has been invaluable to me and is where people need to start because it serves as the foundation for their investing.
So many questions that I didn't know to ask, are now answered. My husband and I agree this is the best money we've ever spent on financial education.
Once you’re inside the course you’ll see how this instruction and the advanced planning framework are the missing links to conventional retirement planning.
The course takes your financial capital and your personal capital and carefully engineers everything into a personalized plan for financial independence.
- It includes the conventional planning framework, and then builds on top of that basic model with the advanced planning framework to accelerate your goals and increase your financial security.
- It includes a community forum where experienced, knowledgeable students walking the same path as you share their best ideas and benefit from each other’s experience. I regularly gain new insights from these discussions. Students tell me the forum value is worth more than the cost of the course.
- It also includes more than 30 sample wealth plans so you can source best practices and ideas from other students.
- Your final plan will convert your goals into daily, weekly, and monthly action steps so you know exactly what you need to do every day to achieve your financial goals faster than you ever thought possible.
A Wealth Plan Works Like A Road Map To Drive You Where You Want To Go
Your personal wealth plan must be designed to answer the following three big questions:
- How am I going to get from where I am financially today to where I want to be in the future?
- How am I going to make my financial goals fit the life I want to live (versus the other way around)?
- How will I reverse engineer my financial dreams into simple action steps so I can make them become reality?
A properly designed wealth plan makes your financial goals totally real. No more doubt. You see that if you do X, then you will get Y.
Coaching clients tell me that after completing their Expectancy Wealth Plan, it's the first time in their lives they actually KNEW (not just believed) they could achieve their financial goals.
You can feel the exact same way…
What If You Knew The EXACT Steps You Needed To Take Every Day, Week, Month And Year To Achieve Financial Independence?
The surprising truth is wealth doesn’t require genius, special talents, privilege, or luck. Financial independence is achievable for anyone, including you.
But it does require an actionable plan based on proven principles that are organized into strategic action steps so that you can achieve the goal with minimal wasted effort.
In a nutshell, your plan must be…
- Built on proven formulas that lead to financial success.
- Financially realistic (i.e. the math must work).
- Custom fitted to your life, values, goals, skills, and resources so that you can actually implement it.
- Written in language you understand and can work with.
- Structured to contain all three steps in the Financial Freedom Process – wealth creation, wealth translation, and wealth growth.
- Include proper representation from the three asset categories – business/career, real estate, and paper assets.
- Broken down into simple, manageable steps so you know what to do and when to do it so that you actually reach your goal.
Again, it’s intuitively obvious once you see it inside the course; yet, if any of these pieces are missing from your plan then your success will be limited, at best.
Only one of the four paths delivers all of this. The other three paths come up short in varying ways, and those shortcomings will cost you… big time.
This is truly the best investment in education that I have ever made, Mr. Tresidder. To me, it teaches every aspect of life... from personal development to life's fulfillment.
The organization, the content, the tools, the homework, the flow... just so simple yet very deep. I am so happy that I am taking this course. It's a lifetime financial compass. Thanks!
Is This Course Right For You?
- If you have no plan, or a broker created plan, or just some miscellaneous ideas scratched down in a dusty ledger then this course is an absolute must.
- If you have trouble staying consistent toward your financial goals then this course will show you how to solve that.
- If you’re close to financial independence or retirement but remain uncertain whether you have enough or how to manage it then this course will give you the confidence and clarity you’re looking for.
- If you aren’t sure if you can achieve your financial goals then this course is perfect because it will show exactly what you can do and how long it will take given your current resources, skills, and abilities.
- If you’ve just gone through a major life change (new marriage, divorce, job change, having children, death of a loved one, etc.) and don’t feel confident about your current retirement strategy, then you’ve come to the right place.
- If you and your spouse disagree about money issues then you can use this course as an independent third party in the discussion that builds a common base of understanding that gets both of you on the same page.
- If you’ve been taking action that isn't producing the results you want, this course will show you what’s wrong and how to correct it.
- If you feel overwhelmed, don’t know where to start, or how to convert it all into digestible, bite-sized actions you can actually accomplish, then this course is perfect for you.
- If you want to escape the rat race and live a fulfilling life, the material in this course has you covered.
- If you’re behind on savings and retirement looms near, this course will show you how to close the savings gap.
- If you’re ready to stop talking, stop dreaming, and start committing, then this course is how you put it all together.
However, if you find yourself arguing…
But I’m not ready
I can’t do that
Maybe next year
But I need to get “fill-in-the-blank” situation handled first
I don’t have the money
I don’t have the time
…then you may not be ready and should seriously reconsider your commitment to your financial future.
I can show you how to strategically design your life for financial independence, but I can't make you take action.
The last thing I want is for you to sign up for this course if you're not ready to apply the principles and produce useful results. The success of my students is what I live for, but you have to bring a can-do mindset with the determination to make it happen. I can't do that for you.
Time is the one asset you can never recover. Your life isn't a trial run. You get one, and only one, lifetime to achieve your financial goals, so there's no sensible reason you should waste another day of it.
Your wealth plan will show you how to use your life wisely to get where you want to go. Everything you need is in the course.
“I Just Want A Better Investment Strategy!”
Listen to Todd dispel this expensive myth
so you know what really works.
What You Will Get:
You'll receive 7 video learning modules that include audio and PDF transcript versions of the lessons so you can learn in whatever mode is best for you. The course will be available to you in its entirety right from the beginning so you can go as slow or as fast as you want without a deadline, and you’ll have 24/7 access. You get the entire course up-front and you'll never be asked to pay more to unlock some fictional X-Factor or last step. You can complete the entire process in a few very focused weeks or at a relaxing pace over a few months, whichever you prefer.
Read moreEach lesson will include homework, relevant resources, and an office hour recording where students just like you discussed the material from the lesson. Course participants tell me these office hours recordings are as valuable, and possibly more valuable, than the lessons themselves because they create a complete learning experience.
Read moreYou’ll receive written examples of more than 30 other plans demonstrating how the principles you’ll be learning are applied to create your own plan. You can use these real world wealth plans (from actual students just like you) as templates for your own plan so you don’t face a blank slate. This resource alone is worth the price of admission.
Read moreIn addition, I include live weekly office hours to answer your questions and provide personalized attention so you never feel lost. These office hours include live coaching and Q&A on a group conference telephone line with me. When you compare these office hours with my hourly coaching fees you’ll see how they easily represent more value than the cost of the entire course. Each community call will be recorded so you can participate, or you can hang back and listen later when it's convenient for you. Whatever you prefer.
Read moreYou get access to the community forum where existing knowledge threads answer many questions you may have, and where you can brainstorm strategies with the other amazingly intelligent students in this course. I learn something new and useful in these forums every month. This resource alone is worth more than the cost of the course.
Read moreYou will walk away with a complete plan to achieve your financial goals and the knowledge you need to implement it. And you’ll get all of this done at your own pace from the convenience of your home.
Read moreAnd if you get distracted then don’t worry because the course includes several support and accountability systems to keep you on track. We have a remarkable completion rate because of these systems and the quality of the instruction.
Read moreThe result is you’ll have clear, daily action steps so that you know exactly where to start and what to do next to efficiently and strategically achieve your most important financial goal now. No more confusion or uncertainty.
Read moreYour plan will be personally tailored to fit your life situation based on your needs, skills, and resources. It is not a cookie-cutter plan. Instead, it's designed to uniquely fit you from start to finish.
You’ll have deep knowledge of how the wealth building process truly works so you no longer have to wonder if you’re missing information. You’ll finally, truly KNOW without any doubt.
You’ll discover new principles behind successful financial planning that you didn’t know before, and you’ll learn how to implement them in your life.
You’ll know how to strategically prioritize your action steps for greatest efficiency so that you get the biggest bang for your time, money, and effort.
Your numbers will work and you’ll see exactly how it will all fit together for you. In addition, you’ll have milestones for feedback so you know at all times if you’re on track.
And, you’ll get my expert mentoring to help guide you through the process and answer questions in real-time. And because I’m no longer taking individual coaching clients, this is your only opportunity to work with me directly to create your financially free future. The value of this access easily exceeds the cost of this course.
Read moreYour Investment
A few weeks of part-time effort and a one-time fee of $1,750.
That means the entire course and all the support, including the community forum and direct office hours access with me, are priced at little more than two hours of my one-on-one coaching.
It’s a no-brainer bargain when you consider:
- That most financial planners charge $1,500 to $3,500 for a less complete, conventional plan that lacks the necessary education you need to succeed with it.
- You probably paid a lot more than this for a college course that delivered a lot less value.
- My coaching would cost you a lot more, and you’d get a lot less.
- And finally, foregoing the planning process entirely, or following the “trial and error” path, would cost you multiple times this price in expensive mistakes and lost opportunity alone.
- In short, it’s both the lowest cost choice of the 4 paths you can take while also providing the highest probability outcome for reaching your goal.

This course puts you on a faster path to your financial goal than any other option. Some students in the course achieve financial freedom within 1-2 years while others may take 7-15 years, depending on their goals and starting point. (And of course, some students never achieve financial freedom because they don’t TAKE ACTION!)
And here’s the rub… you’re absolutely going to take one of these 4 financial planning paths (either consciously, or by default). Do you want to be in the top left of the chart (above) where you pay more and get less, or do you want to get the best value for your money?
The quality and amount of content in this course was easily 10X what I had anticipated. I usually speed up audio and video by 1.5X-2X to help remove the fluff. Instead, I find myself replaying sections multiple times over to get all of the paradigm shifting knowledge. The most striking result has been the development of what seems to be an internal "BS" filter.
When I talk with peers and advisors I can now filter and check what they say against the wealth systems taught in this course and easily see the flaws. I believe this is due to the fundamentally different way I now view business, career, and wealth.
I have a deep sense of confidence and security in my knowledge of how the "wealth game" works. I can only imagine the compound effect this new-found wisdom will have over the rest of my life.
Why Should You Trust Me?
Best of all, you don’t have to believe a word of this sales letter because you can test-drive the course for free and prove it to yourself.
Once you’re inside you’ll see first-hand why this course is so different compared to every other alternative. This isn’t regurgitated “me-too” content from the internet echo-chamber. Instead, the entire course structure, and every lesson inside, is infused with decades of real-world experience.
- I spent 12 years in the hedge fund industry computer testing most of the available investment strategies to prove what works, what doesn’t, and why.
- I know what it’s like to build wealth and live on a fixed portfolio because I “retired” by age 35, and supported a family of four primarily from assets for two decades with no substantial earned income (until recently when this business took off).
- I’ve built wealth in all three asset classes using multiple strategies in multiple market environments through both booms and busts. Few people can make that claim.
- After selling the hedge fund business in 1998 (before the market crash in 2000) I then turned my focus to real estate investing by building a portfolio that included 162 apartment units, a few rental homes, and some undeveloped acreage. I also had a tax-lien business where I successfully acquired valuable real estate for little more than the back taxes owed. I then rode that real estate boom up until selling all of my investment real estate in 2006 near the top before that market crashed.
- And finally, I’m a lifelong entrepreneur having built multiple successful businesses (including this one!).
But it hasn’t been all success…
I’ve also had countless failures in the school of hard-knocks. It’s the combination of learning lessons from failure combined with enough success to reach the goal that has made me a very good teacher.
But what really sets this education apart was how I coached hundreds of clients to achieve their financial freedom goals using the same blueprint taught in this course. This experience forced me to convert valid principles into universally applicable systems while also filling out any remaining holes in the instruction.
The thing you might not realize about the coaching process is how the feedback loop is relentless. Your stuff has to work or you’re out of business. It’s not like a book or lecture presentation where people like your ideas but you never hear from them again. Every week you’re on the phone with that same client, and every month they have to see enough value in the results produced to cut you another check.
Your Expectancy Wealth Planning course is one of the best investments I've made. It initially seemed like a lot of money, but the learnings from the course have returned way more than I invested.
A couple of examples:
- Had I known the 'make more-lose less' advanced framework a couple years earlier I could have saved over
$100,000 by not investing in a franchise (not to mention my personal time wasted).
- Learning how a financial advisor can reduce the value of my retirement by 75% is saving me thousands of dollars in wasted investment expenses every year.
- Gaining the real estate and business knowledge to develop a cash flow based, worry-free retirement was worth the price of admission.
- And access to you and your advice on those weekly coaching calls has been priceless!
Todd, if anyone is wondering whether or not to invest in your course, I would strongly encourage them to take it because it will put more money in their pocket than it costs. Thank you for developing an incredible course!
And you benefit from all of this experience because that means all teachings in this course are fully proven for effectiveness. I walked-the-talk by applying the ideas in my own life first, and then I talked-the-walk by coaching hundreds of clients just like you, with different backgrounds and net worth, to do the same.
You get the benefit of all that experience in this instructional, step-by-step blueprint.
What You Won’t Get
You won’t get a computer generated investment plan with pretty pie charts and graphs like your broker gives you, only to go unopened for years and take up space on your shelf.
Instead, you get a working, living document in a file format (MS-Word or Apple Pages) you can work hands-on with that not only instructs your daily actions, but it can be regularly revisited and revised as your life changes so that you stay on track, roll with the punches and windfalls, and ultimately reach your financial goals.
Other things you should not expect from this course include:
- Financial-freedom-by-osmosis - the course takes some time and effort to complete.
- Get-rich-quick schemes - this is serious education for serious wealth builders.
- Association with any debt consolidation, credit repair, investment sales, or banking services – that would create a conflict of interest with the education you paid for.
- Biased advice – I have no ulterior motives or incentives that get in the way of the true objective - to mentor, guide, and support you to achieve your financial goals.
- Up sells, cross sells, back end sales, or other selling gimmicks – you get the exact course promised with the benefits promised. It’s straight-forward education that works.
Please Don’t Buy This Course If…
- You have no intention of taking responsibility for your financial future by taking action on your plan.
- You have massive debt problems (mortgage and other normal debt is fine, just not serious debt problems with creditors pestering you). That's because this course shows you how to accelerate your journey to financial freedom from "getting by" to "getting ahead", but you must already be at least "getting by" or it won't work. It's not a "get out of debt" course. It's a wealth building course.
- You don’t believe, “If it’s got to be, then it’s up to me.”
- You don’t want a better life for you and your family.
- You believe an inheritance will solve everything so you don’t have to do anything.
- You believe the prosperity fairy will sprinkle magic pixie dust on your future so that all your financial problems solve themselves.
Your Next Move...
If you don’t already have a wealth plan that strategically organizes most aspects of your life into step-by-step actions showing you clearly what to do every day, week, month and year to achieve your most important financial goals, then you’re wasting time and money that could be better used to reach your goal.
It takes no more effort to achieve financial freedom than to live with financial mediocrity. The difference is you just have to work smarter, not harder, and this course will show you how. It's about deliberately focusing your efforts in an efficient, logical process to produce results.
We're all given the same 24 hours in a day, but we won't all achieve our financial goals. The difference is this plan.
And this plan will cost you only $1,750 for the complete educational experience with the walk-away result being a personalized, written, actionable guide to achieve financial independence.
Best of all, you're never at risk because you can try the course for free and you have a 100% money-back guarantee after you buy.
- Take 5 lessons now without paying me a dime.
- If you like what you learn then buy the entire course and support systems.
- And if you buy the course and you're not happy then just ask for a refund.
- In other words, the only way you can lose is by not taking action.
I went from $16K to $60K per month. The income replacement part was a breakthrough for me. Your clarity pushed me to take action and changed my thinking. Your course has literally changed my life.
My 100%, No Risk, Money Back Guarantee

With that said, if you're still feeling a shade of skeptical consumerism (you know, that little voice of doubt in the back of your head telling you not to trust anyone) then hopefully this will put that doubtful voice to rest. I include a 100% money-back guarantee trial period so that the risk is all mine. You're protected and never at risk.
Either I deliver on the promise described here and you’re totally happy, or you get your money back. Fair is fair.
The way it works is when you sign up you'll get immediate and full access to more than 40 lessons right away - the first four modules plus part of the fifth module. That includes the video lessons, office hours recordings, live office hours support, 24/7 forum support, lesson exercises, and bonus resources. You can immediately start developing your personalized wealth plan during the trial period with no limitations because few people get through modules 5, 6, and 7 in the first 30 days anyway. It's a full course experience for 30 days and you're never at risk.
The final three modules of lessons automatically unlock after the 30 day trial period ends, or you can choose to unlock them with a click of your mouse if you're a power user and need access.
You’re either happy because it's obvious this course is going to put way more money in your pocket than it cost, or you request a refund and pay nothing (plus you get the first 40 lessons on me and the bonus resources to boot.)
You can’t lose.
I want this to be a great experience, so even if something happens after you make the purchase and now is not the right time, then just grab a refund and you're always welcome to return when the time is right.
Why would I do that? Because I know the course delivers and you’ll love the result. Hundreds of students have already proven that truth. I’m willing to stand behind it and take all the risk off your shoulders so that it's easy for you to give it a try.
If you've read this far, then the time is probably right...
In the two weeks since we joined, my wife and I have not been able to put your material down.
We have already poured over the first 5 modules and we're blown away by the quality of your content and by your amazing gift for teaching.
We feel like we are getting a first-class education in finance, investing, business, and real estate through this course.
One of the very refreshing aspects to your message is that there are universal truths that apply to all wealth plans, but limitless variety in how to design a plan that aligns with my personal values, goals, talents, and resources.
You're the real deal, and we are grateful for the opportunity to learn from you.
What About All The Bonuses? Do You Guarantee Results?
Bonuses: There are no bonuses because I’m not going to waste your time with marketing gimmicks. The course is worth many times what you'll pay, and your time is too valuable to waste by stuffing your inbox with a bunch of garbage ebooks and electronic downloads of dubious value. Information overload is a disease that hurts, rather than helps, you achieve success. You don't need more stuff. Instead, you need just the right stuff without any fluff, and that's what this course delivers. You get the promise of the course alone and the results it will produce. That is more than enough value to justify ten times the price without "information overload" marketing gimmicks.
Money Back Guarantee: You get a full 30 day, 100% money back guarantee. Try it out and refund afterward if you’re unhappy for any reason. The risk is 100% on me to deliver as promised. You're never at risk.
Results Guarantee: I don’t offer any results guarantee because I can't guarantee that everyone will take the action to follow their plan. I guarantee the quality of the instruction because I’ve seen what my other course students are doing with the education. It’s fully proven. So please remember that you will get out of this course what you put into it. I offer a royal road to useful knowledge through carefully structured education, but I can’t guarantee how you will use that knowledge, if at all. That is entirely your responsibility.
Answers To Your Most Common Questions:
How does the course work?
It’s a multimedia, self-paced course, with each lesson in video, audio, and PDF transcript so you can learn in whatever format is most convenient for you. The lessons are generally under 20 minutes so you can conveniently squeeze them in during coffee breaks, commutes, or spare minutes. You can download the audio MP3s and listen on the run, during exercise, on public transport, or while driving your car. If you prefer to read, the transcripts are edited (not just raw transcripts) so they read well.
What if I have questions about the material or process?
I don’t want you to feel like I’m just giving you access to this course and then walking away with no ability to reach me for feedback and questions. It’s to everyone’s advantage that I include weekly office hours for live Q&A, on a group telephone conference line, to get your feedback and answer your questions. It helps me improve the quality of the education and it keeps you from getting stuck or frustrated. In addition to having live access to me, you also have a community forum of like-minded course students with similar interests and a common base of understanding to bounce ideas off of and brainstorm. You get both support venues so you can use either, or both. Whatever works best for you.
Is this course live?
The course lessons are not live, but the support services are. That means you can watch the video instruction and listen to the audio at your convenience, and get prompt support when questions arise. Each lesson is 100% content from me (you'll hear my voice in the recording) as I walk you through each step of the process. In addition, each lesson includes an office hours audio recording where students like you asked their questions and dove deep into the material. Students tell me these office hours recordings are as valuable as the course itself. You’re given lifetime access so the strategies and tactics in the course will always be available to you, ready whenever you need them.
How much time will it take?
The course is designed to take eight weeks to complete so support systems are coordinated with a 3 month time frame to give you plenty of room to breathe. Aggressive students can finish as fast as 4 weeks, but most take longer. Each lesson in the course is designed to take 15-30 minutes (including the exercises) so you can conveniently squeeze them in during coffee breaks, lunch hour, commutes, or whenever convenient. You can go as fast or as slow as you want. You can download the material and work through it on your phone or laptop. You can read the transcripts or listen to the audio while commuting or exercising. Whatever is easiest for you.
Do I have to complete the Step 1 and/or Step 2 course before taking this course?
No. Each course stands alone. There is no prerequisite. In fact, I seriously considered making this course Step 1 because the material taught is where I start with every new coaching client. That’s because there’s no efficient or strategic way to pursue financial freedom without completing this course first. It’s the foundation that you build on. With that said, you won't need to buy the other courses to take action on this one either. Each course is a stand-alone solution to a specific problem. There are no upsells. It's the whole enchilada.
Do you offer a payment plan option?
No, I don't offer a payment plan, and there are good reasons why. Yes, I could sell more courses if I gave you a payment plan option, but I'm not in the "payment plan" business. If you really want to buy with a payment plan then you can use the monthly payment option on your credit card, and it will be at a more cost-efficient price point than any alternative I could afford to offer you. Finally, the most important reason I don't offer a payment plan is I'd be out of integrity to do it. I don't personally buy with payments because it increases the cost of the purchase, so it would be incongruent for me to encourage you to do the same thing. Again, if you really want a payment plan then your credit card has that function built right into it.
What if I fall behind or miss a call?
Don’t worry. The course comes with lifetime access so you can take a break if you are out of town or on vacation or just get temporarily swamped. Interruptions happen, and everything is recorded so you have access 24/7 at your convenience. If you need to take a break, that’s no problem. You can “resume” your learning any time you want. It will always be there and waiting when you’re ready.
Why should I buy your course with all the free stuff out there?
I’ve been developing wealth plans for coaching clients for nearly two decades. This is original material. It’s not the same thing as all the free stuff out there. In addition, you’re paying for the royal road to this knowledge. No wasted time. No dead-end paths. No nonsense. Just an actionable, step-by-step plan. Think about it, what is your time worth? What is it worth for you to get the results you want now instead of later? In all likelihood, the cost to delay this opportunity will greatly exceed the few hundred bucks required to take action now. The time value of the results should be more than enough to justify the price (not to mention the value of your time saved learning). Again, you can always refund if I’m wrong so you’re never at risk.
I’m too busy to take your course right now. Maybe later…
I get that you’re busy, but nobody is THAT busy. You’re going to pick one of the four financial planning paths, either consciously, or by default. If you accept the default path then you’re essentially saying all the other stuff you spend your time on right now is more important to the quality of your life than financial freedom. That makes no sense! Turn off the tube at night, or wake up one hour earlier each day. Squeeze the lessons in on work breaks or during your commute. If you’re committed, then you’ll find the time and get it done. You aren’t going to achieve your financial goals until you prioritize making them happen. It’s just that simple. In fact, if you’re THAT BUSY then you probably can’t afford not to take this course. There's no time better than right now because the sooner you start, the more time you'll have to enjoy the benefits and watch your wealth compound.
Do you have a money-back guarantee on your course?
I only want happy clients. If you’re dissatisfied or just change your mind anytime in the first 30 days (time limit is because of credit card refund limitations), simply let me know and you’ll receive a 100% refund.
Does this work for international students or is it for U.S. investors only?
The principles for designing a wealth plan know no borders and neither does this course. Close to half my students are international and I’ve never received a complaint about U.S. centric issues. Sure, the currency unit and a few details may be U.S. centric, but the course is 100% applicable with minimal adjustment for international students.
Do I have to complete the course in 30 days, or can I take longer?
You can take as long as you want. Whatever fits your life best is fine.
Can you give me a behind the scenes look inside the course?
Absolutely! Try it for free right now…
“I Just Want A Better Investment Strategy!”
Listen to Todd dispel this expensive myth
so you know what really works.

Each Day Spent Without an Actionable Wealth Plan is Another Opportunity Wasted And Another Delay To Your Financial Freedom
The decision is simple.
You’re going to take one of the four financial planning paths, either consciously or by default. There is no other alternative.
It only makes sense to choose the path that works best for you. My intent here was to provide you with enough information to make a smart decision.
This course has had the highest rate of payback to investment of any course I have ever taken.
This isn’t some idea you put off until some mythical day in the future because every day you delay represents opportunity lost. You must stop the dreaming and start committing or you won’t produce the result.
If the voice inside your head is arguing how you don’t have the time, or the money, or you’re not ready, or can’t do it right now, then throw that voice in the garbage can. Commit to making it happen now before you waste another year without a plan that efficiently governs your actions and produces valuable results.
Moving forward is a no-brainer decision because I’m giving you a free sneak-peek inside the course so you can sample 5 lessons without any risk. And if that wasn’t enough, you also have a full money back guarantee if you buy the course and change your mind later.
In fact, the only way you can lose is by not trying.
- So are you going to take action, or are you going to kick the can down the road and delay everything?
- You have absolutely nothing to lose by taking the full course right now because it’s backed by a 100% money-back guarantee.
Financial decisions are determined by risk vs. reward relationships, and taking action is the only way to produce results.
If you want financial freedom then taking this course is zero risk and high potential reward. I’ve done everything I can to make this decision obvious for you.
Get started now…
This course is substance and has substantial amounts of it. That is astonishing given that much of the industry's educational material is regurgitated fluff. I really didn't know how you were going to top what I had already learned because my extensive self-education in matters of finance, investing, and systems management, and I'm a careful pencil-in-hand reader.
But your perspective is unique and encompassing. You have a "philosophical habit of mind," as John Henry Newman called it, and you've applied it to developing wealth and the ends towards which wealth is directed in a way that I have never before encountered.
You escalated my position such that I could see the picture in the puzzle and the relation of the pieces — and I'm astonished not only that I did not see it before, but that nobody else sees it and teaches it either.
Several insights of your course have literally given me a sensation of rejoicing and gratitude, which was the last thing I was expecting, and something which you should consider high praise.
I'm only halfway through Module 1, and I'm already blown away by this course!!!