Discover how to retire at 50 in our second podcast interview featuring Darrow Kirkpatrick. You’ll learn proven investment strategy, the key savings principles that work reliably, and surprising insights explaining why frugality is more important than commonly understood and why security is less important. This is the “Everyman’s” path to wealth that just plain works if you listen and implement the lessons…
The Smart Alternative To Retirement Planning
It’s so “old-skool” to work like a dog for 40 years scrimping and saving so you can retire and do nothing of substance for the remaining 30 years. That’s no prescription for happiness. It makes no sense. Increasing longevity has changed every aspect of retirement planning – from asset allocation to life fulfillment and everything in between. It is time to retire the word “retirement” and redefine our lives toward fulfillment – which means…
The Surprising Truth About What Motivates Us…
Extrinsic is the old carrot-and-stick approach – the hope of gain and the fear of loss. This includes payroll and bonuses. Intrinsic motivators are more powerful and can be broken down into 3 categories…
Are You Making This Early Retirement Mistake?
It’s time to change your mind about early retirement. It’s a seductive facade that’s supposed to be about freedom, but my experience shows it’s usually an avoidance mechanism that cleverly hides a more important issue. Learn how to avoid getting pulled in…
Retirement Life Expectancy – Yikes!
How does rising longevity and the “age of biology” affect retirement planning? Denis, a reader with a background in biology and genetics, posts this question: “… my parents may live to 80-90 years after retiring in their 60s but my siblings and I are probably going to live 120+ years and work well into our 70s. This completely tranforms the savings/retirement equation. I was curious to know how you factor that in to retirement planning…”