How To Make More By Risking Less, Reduce Costs, And Get Control Over Your Portfolio – All In Less Than 30 Minutes Per Month…
Key Ideas
- A scientific approach that's different from your current investment strategy.
- The 5 critical investment problems solved with mathematical precision.
- How to make more by risking less.
Have you ever wished that you could sit down for a couple hours with one of those hedge fund managers that makes money when other investors lose… and get him to personally explain exactly how he consistently profited through bull and bear markets, inflation and deflation, nuclear meltdowns, and more?
If you're like most investors, I'm sure you have. After all, he is obviously using a formula that the average Joe isn't privy to, right?
Unfortunately, most successful hedge fund managers don't share their secrets at any price. So while we could all stand to benefit from their knowledge and experience, it's simply not accessible.
Until now…
Discover The Science Of Investing
When I ran a hedge fund investment management business my task was singular – produce reliable, positive investment returns for our clients.
We knew every one of our clients personally. Retired widows, CEO's, entrepreneurs, doctors – every client was a real person with a face and a life story. Failure was not an option.
I couldn't face the idea of having to explain to these people why their investments lost money. Blaming it on the market and “everyone else is losing also” wouldn't cut it. The thought of having all of them in one room at our annual meeting during a losing year was overwhelming.
The result was I researched every investment theory – from esoteric, astrological configurations to conventional asset allocation – to figure out what worked, what didn't, and why. Based on that knowledge my fund produced 100% winning years except one loss that was so small it was actually a result of our high management fees exceeding our profits.
I did all this by becoming one of the early pioneers of quantitative investment modeling and developing scientific financial management principles. For example, I had to hand input the Dow Jones Industrial Average price data back to 1885 on one of the original IBM 8088 personal computers because nobody had stock market databases back then.
I created “The $100,000 Garbage Pile” in the corner of my office where I stored all the books, trading systems, magic formulas, and other investment Holy Grails that failed during my 12 years of detailed investment strategy research.
Surprisingly, almost none of the conventional investment wisdom or whiz-bang investment systems actually worked when you really put them to the test. Most of what you've been taught is either a contextual half-truth or an outright lie, and I did the research to prove it.
The number of investment approaches that survived my 12 years of research and 30 years of portfolio management can be counted on one hand with fingers left over.
Surprising, but true.
And that is what I will share with you below – the core principles that survived formed a cohesive model for investment management that is actually obvious once you understand it, but surprisingly, nobody teaches it this way.
It's how I managed money for the hedge fund back then, and it's still what I use to run my own portfolio to this day.
Even though I have 21 years more experience in the investment business, I don’t know anyone with more wisdom than Todd. His perspective and talents shifted my whole investment company and helped me multiply monthly cash flow ten times. If I were to hire anyone to run my business, Todd would be the first on my list. – Gary Craig, Entrepreneur and Former Hedge Fund Owner, The Sea Ranch, CA.
You Already Know The Truth – Deep Inside
I'm not telling you anything about the investment world that you don't already know.
You can feel it inside – the frustration and uncertainty surrounding your portfolio and how the investment advice business works.
- You don’t know who you can turn to or who you can trust.
- You don’t know if your advisor is working for your best interest, or his?
- There’s an overwhelming amount of information out there. How do you sort what is relevant from what is noise?
- They all give the same advice – like machines. You walk in, fill out a form for risk tolerance, and they just divide your assets into each group to diversify.
- Worst of all, they take a percentage of your hard earned money every year for that “service”.
- And then you're expected to blindly accept whatever returns the market gives (net of their fees, of course!).
- The unpredictability of it all is paralyzing.
Conventional Investment Advice – Revealed!
Imagine everything you know about investing is a half-truth.
Just plausibly true enough to pass the smell test, but not the whole truth.
The problem isn’t that what you’ve learned is wrong. It’s not.
The problem with conventional investment advice is it doesn’t accurately describe reality because it's operating from the wrong premise.
I wish I had met Todd twenty years ago. After just eight weeks I realized that almost everything I had previously learned about investing was wrong. I just didn’t know what I didn’t know. Todd’s coaching method helped me deconstruct all of my previous learnings and give a better understanding of how the markets and investing really work. – Robert Thompson, Boston, MA
The conventional investment wisdom today is like Newtonian physics before Einstein, or the world-is-flat before Pythagoras and Magellan.
Newtonian physics worked for most stuff, most of the time, but failed at the extremes – the very big and the very small. The truth is it only described a narrow experience of reality.
The same is true with buy-and-hold, passive index, asset allocation – conventional investment management as most experts practice today.
It works reasonably well most of the time, but has a few critical problems that cause you to risk more than is necessary to earn less than you should.
Let's look at these problems one-by-one…
Who Is The Teacher
But first, let me tell you a little about myself. My name is Todd Tresidder, and I teach a very different, but effective way to invest your money.
I'm a former hedge fund manager turned teacher and private investor. The methods I've been teaching privately to my one-on-one coaching clients for years caused them to start calling me names – like Morpheus (from the Matrix) or Yoda (from Star Wars).
All of this information that I’m getting from the reading assignments and our phone conversations has really opened my eyes to how investing works. I am astonished that I have been investing for over 30 years yet really knew nothing about it. – Richard Clarke, Norway
I was surprised because I was teaching principles that seemed obvious to me given my training, but my students described the teachings as the investment equivalent of taking the red pill in the Matrix. Investment reality is revealed and you see things as they truly are for the first time.
You face a choice. You can take the blue pill of conventional investment management, dismiss what I'm about to tell you, and go back to the investment results you've always gotten, or you can take the red pill and see through the matrix to experience investment reality for the first time.
If you are like me, you started investing by reading plenty of the mainstream books. Well, I had a hard time sorting all the conflicting information. After a few months with Todd Tresidder’s financial mentoring, I learned a new way of investing by separating what is mostly true from half-truths to create a cohesive picture. Along the way, I learned what makes a strategy feasible, and the tenets of a valid investment strategy. Todd provided me with investment tools that will be invaluable for me in the far future. – Vo To – (Full name and location withheld due to military security clearance.)
I teach a completely different way to invest your money.
I don’t use financial advisors, I violate nearly all of their conventions, I don’t read the Wall Street Journal (or any other investment periodicals), I never pay high fees, don’t watch CNBC, and spend almost no time managing my money.
The truth is the old-world model of investing your money no longer makes sense. The new-world model is simpler, costs less, and is more effective; yet, it only takes 30 minutes per month to implement.
If you have 30 minutes per month to take control of your financial future and save a fortune in wasteful advisory fees then let's spend two minutes uncovering some core problems with conventional investment wisdom.
Conventional Investment Advice: 5 Problems Revealed!
I have a rule.
You should only pay for something that adds more value to your life than it costs you.
This is just common sense, but surprisingly, most financial advice doesn't pass this common sense test.
Below are 5 reasons why…
- Expensive – One of the top factors determining long-term investment out-performance for a properly diversified portfolio is low cost. This is documented by numerous independent research studies. You may think a 1% advisor fee and 1% (or more) fund management costs are no big deal, but after 35 years they can cut your assets in half and take more than 50% of the remaining income potential from your portfolio leaving you with just 25% of the retirement income you would have had otherwise. That's a really big deal.
- Passive – The conventional investment wisdom is passive; yet, is there any part of your life that's optimized through a passive strategy? Career, relationships, health, child raising? Of course not, so why should investing be the sole exception? It's not! And I'll show you why.
- Ignores Valuation – From periods of high market valuation and low interest rates, traditional asset allocation provides a miserable risk reward ratio with single digit returns over a 15 year time horizon and several multiples of average risk. That's because it ignores the importance of valuation, but it's just common sense that the price you pay for something matters and should not be ignored.
- Insufficient Risk Management – The primary risk management tool for conventional asset allocation is diversification, but diversification at the investment product level requires non-correlation to add value, and correlations rise toward one during big, bad, bear markets. What that means is diversification works during the 95% of the time you don't need it, but fails miserably to manage risk during the only 5% of the time you actually do need it. If your not clear on this just look at how diversification failed to manage risk during the 2008-09 or 2000-01 bear markets. You need to take the next step beyond product based diversification to better control risk.
- Emotional Roller Coaster – The markets are way more volatile than most people realize. A passive investor is expected to endure occasional losses of up to 50% for long-term single-digit returns creating a miserable risk/reward ratio. Unfortunately, most investors claiming to “buy and hold” end up making emotional investment decisions because of this nightmarish volatility. The smarter alternative is a disciplined investment decision process that includes risk management that controls volatility to emotionally tolerable levels
I have been a buy and hold investor my entire life deeply trained in the traditional techniques. In addition, I’ve worked with investment advisors in the past who would typically recommend funds, securities, or products, and how much I should invest. This always left me feeling like I was given a piece of the puzzle but never knew how all the pieces fit together. With Todd, I feel relief having finally put the whole puzzle together. The advanced investment strategies I learned give me control over my financial future so that my retirement and financial security no longer hinge on the next move in the financial markets. In addition, the techniques are simple enough that I can implement them myself with a full career and family obligations. – Senior Executive with a large Mutual Fund company who must remain anonymous for compliance reasons.
The Truth Your Financial Advisor Doesn't Want You To Know…
There is a better way to invest your money, and it results from a complete paradigm shift.
Traditional investing is all about product – the right stock, the right mutual fund, the correct asset allocation.
However, investing done right focuses on process, not product.
If you're not clear what that means, just think about this… we all have access to the same investment products, but we'll all produce massively different investment results. The difference has to be the investment process since everyone has the same investment products to pick from.
Fortunately, it is remarkably simple. You can learn how to do it yourself in just 6-9 months of training through a complete course of instruction.
This course will teach the exact same lessons that I've shared with my private, one-on-one coaching clients for years. In just 6-9 months, clients with varying backgrounds graduate with the skills necessary to independently manage their own portfolios.
Make sure you sign up for my newsletter where I will announce the new course when it's available. Here's what you will get:
- A clear, step-by-step template explaining how to invest your money.
- A method that is reasonably passive, will appreciate over time, but with risk low enough to allow you to sleep comfortably at night.
- The due diligence skill to properly select your own financial advisor.
- A simple, actionable blueprint so that you finally understand how the investment world works, step by step, that takes the emotions out of investing, helps you avoid getting ripped off, and puts you back in control of your money.
- You can learn more here…
The standard approach to diversify and “invest for the long term” essentially guaranteed me losses in the short term given today’s high market valuations. That didn’t feel right to me. Todd’s course gave me a realistic wealth plan. Before the course had completed I had saved more than the cost by avoiding portfolio losses. I would wholeheartedly recommend Todd and his approach to anyone who is looking to learn how to properly self-direct their investments. – Russell Thomas, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Take Back Control Over Your Financial Future… Now
The fact is the financial advice business has just entered a period of major disruption and you are poised to benefit. The old-world model of local financial advisors running overpriced passive asset allocation portfolios is out of date and horribly inefficient. The first wave is passive Robo-advisors lowering management costs, and the second wave will be improved investment management methodologies.
My course is part of that second wave and gives you back control over your portfolio and financial future by putting the latest academic research to work for you.
I hope this resource guide helps you make more by risking less.
Here's What Clients Have To Say About this Course
I have learned more from Todd about investing and maximizing my internet-based business, LifeCoach.Com, than I have with any other coach I’ve worked with in the past 17 years, and I’ve worked with quite a few coaches! – Talane Miedaner, Bestselling author of “Coach Yourself To Success” and Founder of LifeCoach.Com
I just wanted to say a great THANK YOU VERY MUCH! for helping me this last 6 months. I knew I wanted to retire and do something with my money but felt lost and uncertain. I used to think investing was just about diversifying and asset allocation, but you gave me a grander view and the confidence to run my own portfolio. Your course was well honed-out, all the pieces fit together, and the learning steps were in the right order. And you were the right person to teach it to me! – Vo To, Houston, Texas
Prior to working with Todd the majority of my investment decisions were based on hope and greed (emotional gambling) vs. investment decisions based on knowledge of the historical statistics associated with investment decisions. Moving forward I now have a plan to actively manage investment risk. Todd has truly mastered the ability to distill down his experience to give you the best that he knows. No B.S. just proven principles that work when consistently applied. If you are shopping for someone to help fill the gaps in your wealth plan give Todd a call. – Robert M. Houston Texas
I was reviewing my notes and realized how much more confidence and less anxiety I feel toward investing now. I wish I had known this information 10 or 15 years ago. It would have made an enormously positive impact on my retirement planning. – Robert Thompson, Retired – Boston, MA.
Invest Like Todd!
A better investment strategy than buy and hold - Makes more by risking less
Discover the scientific investment process Todd developed during his hedge fund days that he still uses to manage his own money today. It’s all simplified for you in this turn-key system that takes just 30 minutes per month.
I really like the idea of expectancy investing, but have yet to find any that actually distill the process.
Can you point me in the right direction on your site? Or is that only available in your premium content?
I am looking for something actionable.
BTW, I love you writing, it is very engaging.
genyfinanceguy I will publish more free content on the site related to this subject once I get the book and course published first. I don’t want to give away too much that people can copy, adapt, and claim their own until the book establishes authorship.
Am a new member and have been looking for someone/thing like this for a long time. How cool is this for someone who has developed a proven process and wants to teach others this process for free? Want to read everything Todd has written and attend all of the classes he teaches, or others teach in his behalf (?). Have 4 years (or possibly sooner) until retirement, and would love to maximize the time and wealth I have to the benefit of others and myself. Am really excited about this opportunity and willing to pay my dues to learn what it takes to make things happen!
Financialmentor has the course on expectancy investing been completed yet?
I’m working on it. I’m doing the step 3 course on designing your wealth plan first because it’s just as much in demand and it’s much smaller. That course has students in it as I write this note. I’m hopeful to produce the Step 5 Expectancy Investing course before year end. Hope that helps!
Insightful and motivational. Thanks Todd
I never had long term success on the stock market. Maybe it’s time to take a good course and educate myself. Is it out yet? There are no dates on the article or the comments so it’s hard to know when it was posted.
As the old saying (truth?) goes, everything costs twice as much and takes twice as long as expected. With producing courses, it’s more like 5X to 10X. The Expectancy Wealth Planning course is available right now (Fall 2018), and the Expectancy Investing course will be next to build out.
Dear Todd,
I’m very interested in your course. However, I’m in doubt if it is relevant to non-US residents (no access to IRA, HRA etc.). Can I benefit from it, if I have access to equity market only through broker (Interactive Brokers)?
Yes, the course is just as applicable to international students as it is to U.S. students. I’m guessing about a third of my students are outside the U.S., and I’ve never received a single complaint about it being U.S. centric or not totally applicable. 95% of the education is principle based and applicable to any common law based country, and about 5% of the small details are U.S. centric and easily translated to your situation.