Are You Living Too Close To The Edge?
Key Ideas
- Learn 3 steps to find balance in pursuit of victory.
- Reveals the warrior's advantage when playing to win.
- How a balanced perspective is a competitive advantage.
I want to share a story with you from my coaching practice.
This story comes from a client who is a very successful trial attorney and was embroiled in a bitter legal battle.
His case involved late nights and loss of sleep because of tight deadlines, a contentious judge, and other difficulties that won't be mentioned to protect the guilty.
In short, the stakes were high and the war raged with full intensity.
If you've never worked with trial attorneys, it's worth noting how difficult their business really is. These people are warriors who fight big-stakes battles.
The process is emotional and contentious – not exactly a process where concepts like balance and fulfillment enter the equation. It's full out war that results in victory or defeat. Period.
Anyway, this story is about the client turning to me in the depths of battle and asking for some perspective that could bring peace and balance to this process.
Not an easy task, but this is how it turned out…
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Now you may be asking what does a trial attorney's life have to do with me? The truth is we are all warriors whether entrepreneurs, investors… or trial attorneys.
We are all fighting our battles to win, and this message is relevant for all warriors in pursuit of success – which probably includes you.
I hope you find it helpful…
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Step 1: Playing for Victory…
You're a warrior and this is war. The key to victory is strategy. In every battle, the outcome is determined by one or two key strategic moves. Your job as the general is to figure out what the key strategic moves are that will lead to victory, and focus primarily on those.
Don't let the hype and intensity of the moment distract you with superfluous, energy wasting nonsense. Focus on what's critical to victory. Determine those elements and focus for the win.
The other thing about a warrior is he fights to the death. Commitment and persistence are as important to victory as is strategy and training.
Burn the ships in the harbor and leave no viable escape route so that victory remains the only acceptable solution. I have won many a battle through persistence alone against superior foes. Persistence rules the day in grueling battles such as this. Fight full-out all the way to the last breath.
Step 2: Life Perspective…
With that said, let's be real – this is just a ‘game' you're playing. It isn't life.
When you're 65 and holding your grandson in your arms, this battle will mean nothing.
From the perspective of your death, this battle is about as significant as a gnat on the African continent.
You're much bigger than your success or the games you play. Keep perspective.
Step 3: Putting it All Together…
Play to win because that's what you're there to do.
Play smart and play full out or don't bother playing at all.
But also play with perspective and healthy distance – this particular battle doesn't define your life or who you are. This battle is important and worthy of a full-out fight, and you'll do your best to win; yet, a healthy irreverence may just bring the confidence and distance necessary to turn the tide and assure victory.
Like all things in life, the key is balance. The warrior lives in the present moment and is completely enraptured in the game. He plays full out because that's how games should be played.
Yet, wisdom tells you it's exactly that…just a game. The world will go on. You're bigger than the games you play.
Never forget that – in victory and defeat.
Let me know your thoughts in the comments below…
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Persistence… a word that does not get used enough when it comes to matters of winning and losing. Consistency and Persistence…two very ordinary words that yield extraordinary results. Why is it that the most basic of actions, applied over an extended period of time produce enormous outcomes, but the majority of people fail to realize this? Probably because each action is dependent on the one that came before and the one that comes after and neither seem to be all that important.
I believe if you have consistency and persistence as a focal point in your planning you don’t need to try to incorporate balance. Balance will occur as a result of following a plan that does not rely on any one magic moment to obtain a favorable outcome. Because you are doing a little bit every single day, you should have ample time for other responsibilities surrounding you. It’s not cookie cutter, but it’s 80/20 proven. At least for me.
I am always looking for property investment advice, fresh ideas, a little inspiration! Great site.
@Vickie – Thanks for stopping by and adding your input.