The Key Is To Get A Little Richer Every Day
Key Ideas
- Learn what's holding you back from achieving wealth.
- Discover the single action you need to take to break through.
- Reveals an 8 step process to help you master building wealth.
Are you financially independent yet?
If not, it can't be for lack of money.
Anyone who has worked 15 years or more has already had enough money pass through their hands to reach the goal.
It can't be for lack of knowledge, because you already know everything you need to accomplish the goal: earn more than you spend and invest the difference wisely.
So what's keeping you from building wealth?
Answer: you just have to do the work. You need to take the right actions on a regular, daily basis.
And that is where the “gotcha” comes in. The problem isn't knowing what to do, the problem is getting it done.
Everybody knows how to build wealth, but very few people know how to get the job done.
Related: 5 Financial Planning Mistakes That Cost You Big-Time (and what to do instead!) Explained in 5 Free Video Lessons
Actually getting it done is the little-known-factor that has determined your financial success up until now, and it will continue to determine your financial results for the rest of your life.
It's the golden key that eludes most people. It's not sexy like the latest investment strategy, how-to seminar, manifesting secret, or other tip or trick that all the gurus sell. In fact, it's so simple, dull, and right in front of your nose that most people never see it as the critical problem.
You just have to get the work done.
It's literally that simple. Those who do the work get the result (eventually), and those who don't… don't.
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8 Steps That Produce Daily Financial Improvement
I've been providing wealth building coaching services for more than a decade and have reduced the “getting it done” part down to 8 specific, actionable steps as follows:
- Design a realistic plan for creating wealth based on your unique skills, interests, and available resources. This plan should include at least 2 of the 3 paths to building wealth – paper assets, real estate, and owning your own business. It must also include certain essential, proven principles that lead to wealth, or it won't work.
- Reverse engineer your plan down to actionable steps so that you have clear accountability and signposts to measure progress and provide feedback. You should have daily and weekly actions steps with monthly and quarterly signposts, otherwise too much time can elapse without progress.
- Take action every day toward your wealth goals based on your action plan and daily accountability. It doesn't matter how big or small the action is, but it must be regular. Your daily actions result in compound growth just like money grows through compound returns. You must take daily action toward your goals or you won't produce the necessary results. The rule is simple: if you want to know how long it will take to reach your goal, just look at the amount of time and resources you spend working toward it. It's simple cause and effect.
- Build your financial foundation while building your wealth so it supports your success. In the construction world, the strength of the foundation is the limiting factor to the height of the building. The same is true when building wealth. Your foundation includes base financial issues like home ownership and adequate insurance, along with personal management issues like regular education to grow your financial intelligence and proper record keeping. Your financial foundation is the cornerstone building block to your complete wealth plan.
- Commit to your wealth plan. Most people never succeed because they don't prioritize building wealth. Life's little issues get in the way and you never get around to it. You must commit the necessary resources of time, money, and energy to your wealth plan. You must make completing the action steps a priority in your daily life, or it will never happen.
- Overcome Resistance: When you begin making progress toward your goals, you'll run into Resistance as certain as night runs into day. It's a natural consequence of positive, forward movement. The key is to structure your life and create various support systems that literally pull you toward success so you consistently overcome Resistance. There's no avoiding Resistance, so the best you can do is overcome it efficiently.
- Correct and adjust: As you progress toward your goals, you'll encounter obstacles and problems. This is different from Resistance because that's inside of you. Obstacles and problems come from outside of you. Successful people overcome obstacles quickly or adjust their plan to go around the obstacle. The key is to not get sidelined, but to find an efficient solution so you get back into daily action as quickly as possible. Fail fast, control losses, and recover quickly by correcting and adjusting.
- Review your wealth plan quarterly or annually to update with new information and strategies. The reason is because no wealth plan, no matter how well thought out, is ever perfect. You will learn and grow as you move forward, so adjust your wealth plan based on that learning. It should be up-to-date to provide you with an accurate context for all financial decisions.
If you need help executing these steps, our systematic wealth planning course will take you through all of them so that your financial future is secure and certain.
The Reason You Aren't Rich…Yet
There you have it! A proven step-by-step process for getting done what you already know how to do – build wealth. The rest is just filling in the holes and clarifying details.
As you can tell, it has little to do with investment “how-to's” like most gurus teach. How-to's are only useful when you already know how to produce consistent results in the first place.
Most gurus mistakenly sell you the informational tools without providing the transformational technology to put those tools to good use. It's a classic mistake.
It's the reason you go to seminars, get all fired up, then return home to do nothing. It's why you make New Year's Resolutions, but drop them within weeks or months. It's why you take instructional courses, but never implement the solutions.
More importantly, it's the reason you aren't rich… yet!
How-to's are important, but only after you know how to apply the information in this article. These are the make-or-break skills that set successful people apart from the wannabes. It's the little-known factor that is the true “secret” (if such a thing even exists).
Are You Ready To Build Wealth?
So now that you have the golden key, what are you going to do with it?
Was this just another interesting article that will be forgotten 5 minutes from now, or will you actually put these lessons into action?
The choice is yours. The knowledge is here.
It has worked for others, but it will only work for you when you take action by putting these lessons to good use in your own life.
95% of the people reading this article will get back to their busy lives, go to the next task on their to-do list, and never create financial security for themselves.
They're busy and have something else to do. Maybe they'll get around to it. It's just not their top priority right now.
5% will incorporate these lessons into their daily lives, do the work, and make it a priority.
Which group are you in?
Your financial future will be determined by your answer…
(This information is excerpted from my 7 Steps To 7 Figures group coaching curriculum. You can take the full wealth plan course – Step 3 from the curriculum – here.)
Anybody can learn to build a secure retirement -- and you don't need a financial advisor.
My course, Expectancy Wealth Planning, has been called "the best financial education on the internet" and provides all the knowledge you'll ever need to build the life -- and retirement -- of your dreams.
Yes, I am a cynic, but I dispute the premise. Over the past 15 years, I have made a whopping total of $180K. Is that sufficient to become financially independent? Maybe overseas, but not in North America.
Owning your own business? Sure, a shoestring operation, which I’ve done before (interrupted by health issues) and am currently restarting. I could do much more much faster if I had some tech skills, but I don’t have the skills and don’t have the money to buy them. (Yes, I am acquiring some, but that is slow.)
Paper assets? Perhaps on a micro scale.
Real estate? Great idea, I’ve wanted to for years, but how can someone make that work on a shoestring income?
The premise is valid for those with at least a typical or average (or median, if you will) income but not so much for those with low incomes, unless they already have significant assets (like a home without a mortgage).
Todd Tresidder
@Terry Yes, 12K per year income is difficult to pull it off with from the standpoint of real estate and paper assets. Building assets where savings is required is difficult to achieve on 1K per month income. No argument there.
However, the advantage you have is you only need to figure out how to produce 1K per month to be financially independent at your current spending level which is extremely easy to do in business.
My point is that it is all relative to your current income and lifestyle. Financial independence is a statement of priorities. There are three paths to the destination and it is important you choose the correct path given your resources, skills, interests and abilities.
One final thought… the concepts apply equally to increasing your income to greatly exceed what you are accustomed to. If you use that additional income to grow assets instead of lifestyle you path to financial independence should be swift.
You can do it, and probably far quicker than most because your spending needs are so much lower.
Jeanna Gabellini
I LOVED this article, Todd. This is what I find with all coaching clients, and myself – we know many of the steps to take and we just don’t do it. It’s so easy to blow off the important steps when a fire erupts in some other area of our life and grabs our attention.
I can’t wait to see you launch your coaching groups. I’ll be promoting them and most likely a participant, too! Coaches need coaching from other ROCKSTAR coaches…like you! 😉 Consider me a raving fan (for over a decade now!).
Todd Tresidder
@Jeanna – Thanks! I appreciate your support. Yes, we do go waaayyyy back, don’t we:-)
This article has been an interesting experiment for me. I really wanted to see how people reacted and what kind of interest it generated. The answer so far has been “very little”.
You get the value of the message because you work with people on this stuff and recognize it really is the critical factor to success.
Most people don’t get it and would prefer something sexier like “10 Easy Steps To Double Your Money” or “The Latest Whiz Bang Investment Strategy” or some other scam nonsense. Those messages get people salivating (even thought they don’t work).
This article gives people the big enchilada, the golden key, the Way to Wealth, etc., but most will never get it.
In all fairness, I didn’t get it either until I worked as a coach and proved it to myself with client after client. You were probably the same way. Experience taught you the value of this message.
Or maybe the problem is the messenger… maybe I just haven’t figured out a way to communicate it with integrity that still gets people excited?
Oh well, it is a fascinating journey any way you look at it.
One step forward each day as I “do the work” and walk-the-talk.
Todd Tresidder
Here’s a fun quote I ran across today to add to the discussion…
“Perhaps the most valuable result of all education is the ability to make yourself do the the thing you have to do, when it ought to be done, whether you like it or not; it is the first lesson that ought to be learned; and however early a man’s training begins, it is probably the last lesson that he learns thoroughly.” Thomas Huxley 1825-1895
Hi Todd, happy New Year.
These 2 last posts are conscience-awakeners. Since the beginning of 2011 I am working on setting (and writing) realistic goals for this year and the rest of my life, so I just can say thanks for the “rudeness” and insistence.
Todd Tresidder
@Pedro – You’re welcome. I am always happy to be rude:-)
ong carol
Great tips to build wealth! Saving money the right way is the first step to gaining financial independence.
Heart Centered Tools
Nice post thanks