You probably think your biggest obstacle to creating wealth and achieving your financial goals is insufficient time and money. Wrong! That’s a symptom of the problem, but it’s not the source of the problem. If you’d like to accelerate your financial goals then you must first identify what’s slowing you down. Discover how this easy-to-understand but hard-to-live principle can help you accelerate your financial growth…
Financial Commitment Is Your Unexpected Prerequisite To Achieving Financial Freedom.
Let's face it - building wealth doesn't require genius, special talents, or privilege.
All it requires is commitment to your financial success and the rest will follow. It's simple cause and effect.
Commitment is the cause that drives you to take action which produces the financial effects you want. Commitment motivates perseverance which is the true source of financial success.
There's a huge difference between wanting financial freedom and having a commitment that leads to constructive action.
After all, you already know you should save more and invest wisely. Yet, knowing what to do and actually doing it are two separate things.
Commitment is what bridges the gap between financial knowledge and implementation that produces results. It drives you to overcome lethargy, get into action, and persevere.
You gain clarity of commitment when you are no longer willing to tolerate any alternative to financial freedom because nothing less is acceptable.
This causes you to re-prioritize your daily habits into congruence with your financial goals. Commitment transforms your "shoulds" into "wants" and discipline into desire.
It makes your actions toward financial freedom consistent, persistent and focused - and that produces results.
Commitment is the reason postal employees and blue collar laborers can attain financial freedom while doctors and lawyers can end up in bankruptcy. It's the toll gate on the road to wealth that everyone must pass through. It is the great equalizer that makes the wealth building game fair and balanced for all.
Below are some articles explaining how financial commitment to your wealth-building success works:
- How To Transform Your Dreams of Wealth Into Reality: Discover the critical mental shift that can change your wealth plans from a question of "if" to the certainty of "when".
- Is Your Wealth Building On Track Or Behind Schedule? Take This Test... Find out how your wealth building ranks and learn how you can make your money grow faster.
- The Reason You Aren't Wealthy... Yet: Uncover the easy-to-understand but hard-to-live idea that keeps you from creating wealth.
- Will You Succeed At Building Wealth? Take This Test... Some have the necessary commitment to build wealth and others don't. Find out if you have what it takes and what you can do about it.
If you're tired of reading books, attending seminars and still not getting the financial results you desire, then it is time to address your commitment.
Your problem is not knowledge, but implementation.
You must bridge the gap between knowledge and action with commitment.
Commitment is the first step on the journey to financial freedom that everyone must complete- but most educators fail to teach.
Below you’ll find a listing of our most recent articles about financial commitment providing you with additional strategies and information so you can take the next step...
The Secret To Building Wealth (That Actually Works, But No One Wants To Hear)
What separates people who actually retire early and wealthy from the people who just dream about it? What’s the key ingredient that consistently and predictably determines your financial outcome in life? The answer may surprise you…
How to Get Beyond The Dream And Actually Become Wealthy!
What separates those rare individuals who become wealthy from the masses who never will? No, it’s not luck, or skill, or education, or any of the other reasons that might come to mind. Surprisingly, it’s simply commitment to the goal. Boring, but true. The reason you should care, though, is because understanding this concept and putting it to work in your life will determine whether you achieve your goals or not… including wealth. It’s a critically important principle, so it might be worth a few minutes to read more about it in this article so you can put it to work for you…
What Big Wall Rock Climbing Can Teach Us About Wealth Building
The principles of wealth building and smart investing are universal and apply to all aspects of life. These essential truths are about much more than just money because they leaves clues on every stage of life we play. In this article Darrow Kirkpatrick explores essential lessons learned about wealth building while climbing El Capitan in Yosemite Valley. Enjoy!
What Endurance Athletes Can Teach Us About Building Wealth
Endurance athletes as a group have a higher percentage of wealthy people than the general population. What makes them different? What lessons can you learn from their experience that can be applied to accelerate your financial growth…
The Little-Known Factor That Determines Your Wealth
The secret to building wealth is there are no secrets. Earn more than you spend and invest the difference wisely. The problem isn’t knowing what to do: the problem is getting it done. I’ve been coaching people for more than a decade and have reduced the “getting it done” part down to 8 clear, actionable steps as follows…
How Do You Know If You’re Living In Financial Integrity?
You are living in financial integrity when your daily actions are congruent with your financial plans and the principles that lead to wealth. Why should you care? Because one path results in wealth and the other results in financial mediocrity. For example, you are out of financial integrity if…
How To Play To Win… With Balance
I want to share a story with you from my coaching practice. It comes from a client who is a very successful trial attorney and was embroiled in a bitter legal battle. Now, you may be asking what does a trial attorney’s life as a warrior have to do with me? The truth is we are all warriors whether entrepreneurs, investors… or trial attorneys. We are all fighting our battles to win and this message is relevant for all warriors in pursuit of success – which probably includes you…
How To Be Successful
Why do some people succeed while others work just as hard but achieve little? As a financial coach this question has fascinated me for more than a decade. I’ve had the privilege to work with a broad range of clients over the years and witness in real time the cause and effect relationships that create success. Surprisingly, most of what is taught about this subject doesn’t work reliably. So when Malcolm Gladwell offered a book claiming to explain what separates success from mediocrity I was all ears. Here is what I learned…
Ten Percent Rule To Build Wealth
It takes 80%-90% of your life energy just to break even – maintain status quo. The last 10%-20% is where you build wealth. That is why so few people succeed financially: they stop moving forward after getting 80%-90% of the way there. I was reminded of this lesson during my regular workout in the gym this morning when a personal trainer explained to me…